The nerd- he vomits after having sex, a bit strange although expected from him. The usual stereotype used- he is inadequate and should stick to the books. Just looking busts his load!
‘The good looker’ - he is the one. Jenny falls for men like him. He has everything, nice hair, nice eyes with an enormous talent. Just smiling makes jenny fall over. His presence is truly orgasmic.
The ‘gym guy’- not properly introduced. He is the ‘hottie’ that all the girls fancy.
He also the representative of the ‘Jock’.
Girls, they just can’t get enough of men like him (the masculine piece of meat, who makes all other men look like pheasants).
He is shown to be the type of guy who adores one night stands and truly loves them.
He doesn’t miss his chance- then one day Jenny comes along, and the gym gets a bit steamy.
(Baljot) The mother of Jenny- the stereotypically traditional Indian female. She’s over weight, wears a sari, and even condemns sex before marriage ( a problem for Jenny!)
Jenny- a typical school girl aged 16, in her final year of high school. Make up, drinking, boyfriends, sex you name it she’s got the t-shirt (or side effects) this trailer acts as a flashback, and in three minutes you can see why jenny is in a bit of pickle.
Enigma codes made when viewing the trailer should be:
What’s wrong with Jenny?
Who’s the father, the nerd?
What will the family say?
What will she do next?
Will Joe still love her after she tells him the truth?
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